Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Maeby had an accident
Natalie and I left Maeby (our new dog... I don't know if she's been mentioned on here) out of her kennel while we dropped by Target for a few minutes. We thought she'd be okay since she's gotten over her bladder stones and has been pretty well-behaved for the last couple of days. Little did we know she was preparing some sort of fecal helicopter attack for the bathroom...
Can I just say that everytime I read this I laugh so hard my eyes start to water. She looks so proud of her "fecal helicopter." Haha.
Hahaha, I love it.
Oh Maybe..... she is just so proud of herself.
At least she made it to the bathroom.
I agree with Natalie. She looks so excited to show off her work!
I wonder if Uncle Jim has seen such helicopter damage.
Haha, I think helicoptering might be a deeply embedded generic trait in dogs. One time, Laura and I left our dogs in the bathroom while we ran down the road to my parents(they live in Plano now). When we got back, we found a situation much like this, except there were two lone turd that had somehow made its way into the sink. I always imagine that it took place much like the old McDonald's commercial where Michael Jordan and Larry Bird are playing HORSE for a Big Mac. "Off the towel rack, through the shower loops, off the door stopper springy thing, nothing but sink.
Maeby is a cutie, congrats on the pup. Hope you guys are well, take care!
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